Thursday, November 12, 2015

Brander Magazine Fundraiser

Our annual Magazine Fundraiser is underway!

Brander Gardens receives about $10 from each subscription.  There are over 600 magazine titles to choose from - Children, Teen and Adult in English and French.   A great selection at a great value!

Go to to order online.  
Click "Shop Now" and use our School Online Id:
369531 and start shopping!

1. Order a new subscription
2. Renew your current subscription
3. Give magazine subscriptions as gifts!

It's quick and easy to pay with Visa or MasterCard - shop 24 hours a day, year round.  Anyone from anywhere in Canada can subscribe and support the school.

By participating, you help sustain the many programs that the Parent Council deliver to our kids and our school.  Last year we raised close to $1000 and we're confident we can increase that amount this year. 

Thank-you to all of our past and current supporters!